In the early days of a business, the founder and key leaders set the tone—the seeds of what will become the company’s culture. As the business grows, the culture matures and solidifies, and the team becomes a comfortable, unified whole. However, when key early leaders in a company depart, new leaders may disrupt the culture (or team members may worry that they will), which can cause disconnection and anxiety among employees.
In these times, new and remaining leaders have a responsibility to remind team members of the business’ underlying values and mission and ensure the culture remains strong—even if it’s evolving. Here, 15 Forbes Coaches Council members explain how to keep the culture of a team intact after key early leaders depart.
1. Reflect On Core Team Values
Many founders go through this experience. Start by remembering why the organization was created in the first place. What was the dream about, the passion and the ambition? What are the top three core values you would like all team members to cherish? Now you should be able to walk the talk with clarity, identify your allies and know what to search for in the newcomers. – Krumma Jónsdóttir, Positive Performances
2. Work To Understand Why Key Leaders Are Departing
Start by understanding why those leaders are leaving. What needs are you not meeting for them? Is there a bigger cultural issue that you need to address that is causing the attrition? Your culture shouldn’t be tied to individual leaders. It’s a set of behaviors, values and customs that should be embodied by everyone. Get clear on what those are with the team and continuously reinforce them. – Liz Whitney, Cove
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3. Invest In Cultivating Culture
Culture will only grow if cultivated intentionally. Dedicate time and resources toward achieving this goal. Start small with team gatherings—such as coffee talks and lunches—where the focus is on building relationships and trust. Throughout all of it, be open in your dialogue about the impact each of you has on your mission and values. – Elliott Blodgett, Flyway
4. Overcommunicate Your Values
Communicate your vision for the company and your core values. Explain why your values are important and ask people to give real examples of how these values are lived out at work. Starting with your leadership team, overcommunicate your vision and values, and reward people when you see those values in action. Hire, promote and fire based on your organizational values. Your culture is your brand. – Cindy Lamir, Impact Business Coaches
5. Identify What Departing Leaders Have Represented
Think of your key leaders as pieces of your culture’s puzzle. They represent aspects of the company’s culture that they helped shape. Figure out what exactly they represent, and then find symbols or create rituals that will replace their places in the puzzle. – Joyce Talag, Joyful Transformations LLC
6. Focus On The ‘Three C’s’
To keep the culture intact, we need to focus on the “three C’s”: 1. Communication, 2. Clarity, 3. Commitment. Consistent and clear communication of your vision, mission and expectations creates a dynamic and sustainable culture that is there even when you are not. – Farshad Asl, Top Leaders, Inc.
7. Focus On Mission Over Culture
I would first ask what “culture” you’re trying to keep intact. Often, the idea of culture is more about an exclusive club. Setting that aside, I’d look to answer if there is a strong mission in place to rally people around. If there is, that’s more important than a “culture.” The mission is what will drive retention and engagement in the long run and attract the right talent. – Ciara Ungar, CIARA & Co.
8. Remind The Team That The Culture Is More Than One Person
Visions are like helium balloons: You have to keep them afloat for people to remember and connect. Get in front of the company and help them process the change. Remind them that a departure doesn’t mean good culture is gone, because the culture lives beyond any one person’s presence. Weave a message of gratitude toward the people who have shaped the culture and have now moved on. Make a compelling case to sustain it. – Chuen Chuen Yeo, ACESENCE Agile Leadership Coaching and Training Pte. Ltd.
9. Define And Model Core Values
There are two key things to remember. First, culture equals core values plus behaviors. Define the core values and live them. Socialize and operationalize them. Culture is rooted in values; leader or employee departures should never impact that. Second, the culture is the shadow of the CEO. You drive it. Model and reinforce the behaviors you want to see and recognize those who live the values. – Annette Franz, CX Journey Inc.
10. Engage The Team To Reevaluate The Company’s Direction
Take a minute to slow down! Culture is an important part of any company, and when that culture starts to shift, it’s important to take a moment to check in with the employees and reevaluate the direction they want to go. Talking with the remaining employees to see how they can be supported and/or slowing down to plan team-building days are helpful ways to make sure the culture stays intact. – Liudmila Schafer, The Doctor Connect
11. Host Culture-Building Activities
A culture shift may not always lead to negative outcomes. However, it is important to continue anchoring your staff in the company’s mission, vision and values. This anchoring can be accomplished by hosting periodic culture-building activities. The investment will help cultivate a continued sense of purpose and belonging, which is great for morale, employee engagement and performance outcomes. – Stacy Sufka, Gladegy Consulting, LLC
12. Create A Team Of Culture Managers
Document the core values of the company. Figure out what made these leaders an essential part of your culture, and look for new candidates who embody these values. Create an internal leadership team of culture managers who are stewards of the culture and who pass down the responsibility to new hires as they come on board. Everyone—not just one or two individuals—is responsible for culture. – Vix Reitano, Consulting by Vix Reitano
13. Reward The Alignment Of Culture And Values
To keep the culture intact in any company is to create the vision from the top. You should be speaking your core values in every meeting and rewarding your employees constantly for keeping the culture and core values aligned. – Jennifer Carrasco, Jennifer Carrasco EOS Implementer
14. Set Your ‘Cultural Thermostat’
Culture is dynamic, not static, so shifting, change and growth are inevitable. Start thinking about the nonnegotiable behaviors, values and practices that shape your culture, fulfill your people and drive results. Once you know where your cultural “sweet spot” is, set it there. It is easy to dial it back or turn it up when you observe any shift. Get your team together and set your “cultural thermostat”! – Dr. Monika Sumra, BUNKA Inc.
15. Know That Culture Shifts Are Normal
Vision, mission, company core values and the leader who constantly promotes them are the four elephants on the top of the tortoise that is an organization’s culture. Culture is a living organism that can evolve and mature over time, and it is normal to experience shifts until everyone, new and old team members included, knows where the culture stands. – Aina Alive, Bee Agile