‘Kaleidoscope’ is a Netflix series that dropped on January 1. The anthology series follows a crew of masterful thieves and their attempt to crack a seemingly unbreakable vault for the biggest payday in history. Guarded by the world’s most powerful corporate security team, and with law enforcement on the case, every episode reveals a piece of an elaborate puzzle of corruption, greed, vengeance, scheming, loyalties, and betrayals. How did the crew of thieves plan it? Who gets away with it? Who can be trusted?
The show is loosely inspired by the real-life story where seventy billion dollars in bonds went missing in downtown Manhattan during Hurricane Sandy. ‘Kaleidoscope’ consists of eight episodes spanning from 24 years before the heist to 6 months after. ‘Kaleidoscope’ can be watched in any order leading up to the ‘White: The Heist’ finale.
The series stars Giancarlo Esposito, Paz Vega, Tati Gabrielle, Peter Mark Kendall, Jai Courtney, Rosaline Elbay, and Rufus Sewell. See more photos of the cast in our gallery now.