Thailand’s navy said it was searching for 31 sailors missing after one of its warships got caught in stormy weather and sank.
The navy said that HTMS Sukhothai, a corvette carrying a crew of 106 sailors, sank at 11:30 p.m. on Sunday in the Gulf of Thailand. Strong winds and high waves caused the vessel to tilt and take on water, damaging its electrical system and leading to a power outage. The crew lost control of the vessel as more water rushed in, causing it to sink, the navy said.
Three ships and two helicopters were deployed to rescue stranded personnel throughout the night, the navy said, but those efforts were made difficult by the bad weather.
On Monday afternoon the navy said 75 people had been rescued, and that 11 of them were being treated in hospitals. The crew of HTMS Kraburi, one of the rescue vessels, reached the site shortly before 11 p.m. and tried their best to help, adding that the safety of troops was the most important thing, the navy said. Dozens of personnel had been rescued from the water by around 12:30 a.m., the navy said.
The incident occurred while the ship was patrolling waters about 20 miles from the coast of Bang Saphan district in the province of Prachuap, according to the navy. Photos and videos shared by the navy showed the ship listing in the choppy waters before it sank.
Write to Feliz Solomon at feliz.solomon@wsj.com
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