Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky Expected to Visit Washington on Wednesday


WASHINGTON—Ukrainian President

Volodymyr Zelensky

is set to come to the U.S. Capitol to address Congress on Wednesday, though the tentative visit could be canceled over security concerns, according to people familiar with the matter.

The visit would be Mr. Zelensky’s first trip outside Ukraine since Russia invaded the country in February.

Mr. Zelensky also is expected to meet with

President Biden

during the visit, according to people familiar with the matter. The White House declined to comment.

A spokesman for Mr. Zelensky didn’t reply to a request for comment. Mr. Zelensky made an unannounced visit to the front-line city of Bakhmut on Tuesday, rallying Ukrainian troops on the country’s deadliest battlefield as Russia intensifies efforts to seize it. In his nightly address to Ukrainians on Monday, Mr. Zelensky said he would work to boost international support for his country’s war effort in the new year.

During Wednesday’s visit, the Biden administration is planning to unveil a roughly $1.8 billion security aid package that would include for the first time a Patriot missile battery, according to U.S. officials. The funding for the new security package was previously approved by Congress.

The expected trip to Washington comes as lawmakers are set to approve billions more in aid for Ukraine, but also as Republicans have grown increasingly critical of the continuing support, saying the money should be spent inside the U.S. His solicitation to Congress in March that included video footage of the war-torn country pushed lawmakers to tears and garnered a standing ovation from lawmakers from both parties. Members of Congress, including House Speaker

Nancy Pelosi

(D., Calif.), often wear a lapel pin that entwines the U.S. and Ukrainian flags. 

Russian forces have continued to batter Ukraine. The head of the Kherson region, Yaroslav Yanushevych, said Russian forces had struck 42 times over the past day, hitting a critical infrastructure facility and killing two people.

Mrs. Pelosi sent a letter on Tuesday asking all lawmakers to arrive in person at the Capitol on Wednesday to “please be present for a very special focus on Democracy Wednesday night.” Many House lawmakers had been hesitant to travel to Washington because of impending storms across the country. The Senate is already in session for the week. 

The visit was earlier reported by Punchbowl News. 

Lawmakers so far have approved billions of dollars in security and economic aid to help with the war effort, seeing as vital the protection of North Atlantic Treaty Organization allies and democracy. 

This week, Congress is set to approve an additional $44.9 billion to go to the country and NATO allies, including $13.37 billion for economic support for Kyiv and $9 billion for weapons and assistance to Ukraine’s military. It also would allow the Secretary of Defense to accept contributions from partner nations in support of Ukraine.

The $44.9 billion attached to the government funding bill was widely seen as the last sum that Congress could easily approve. House Republicans take the majority in January and likely will be resistant to more Ukraine spending. Some in the GOP conference have called for a full audit of how Washington and Kyiv have spent the money. 

Write to Natalie Andrews at

Corrections & Amplifications
Congress is set to approve an additional $44.9 billion to go to the country and NATO allies. An earlier version of this article incorrectly stated the amount as $47 billion. (Corrected on Dec. 20)

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Appeared in the December 21, 2022, print edition as ‘Ukrainian Leader Set To Address Congress In Person.’


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