Full retirement lasted only about 10 months for Karen Villarreal, the new executive director of Arts for All.
She takes over for Bobbi Machette, who held the position for nearly 30 years. Villarreal was formally introduced to the Executive Board on Monday.
Q. Why did you want to be executive director for Arts for All?
A. I believe the arts are integral to the Lawton community. I knew that by becoming executive director, I would get to work with an amazing group of people and collaborate on advocating for the arts. I look forward to all the new challenges and experiences this position will bring.
Q. What is your background in the Lawton arts community, what have you been involved in?
A. While working as a graphic designer and printer for the last 35 years, I have worked directly with several of the local art groups in preparation for their many events. These include the Arts for All Gala, the Arts for All Festival, the Lawton Philharmonic Orchestra and Lawton Community Theatre.
Q. What changes do you anticipate bringing to the office and Arts for All as a whole?
A. The biggest challenge I currently face is filling the large shoes Bobbi (Machette, outgoing executive director) has left for me. Right now, I am focusing on learning all she did to keep the office running as smoothly as possible.
Q. What skills will you bring to your new job?
A. With my experience as a graphic designer, I will use my strengths in creativity, consistency and problem solving to support the Executive Board in the best way possible.
Q. Why are the arts important to the Lawton-Fort Sill community?
A. The arts are important to the Lawton-Fort Sill area because it allows our community to regularly experience new art, music, and theatre performances as well as exploring the ways of different cultures through our festivals. Each of these events directly impacts the community here. The arts bring us joy and we must do everything we can to protect and preserve that in this community.
Q. What else do you want people to know about you?
A. My husband Luis and I have lived in Lawton all our lives where together we raised a wonderful son, Jason. With my son being an active musician in the area, I have always been involved with the local arts scene. With me now becoming the Executive Director at Arts for All, I look forward to continuing being an advocate for the arts here in Lawton-Fort Sill.
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