Some Twitter Inc. users were unable to access the social-media platform early Wednesday, in what appeared to be an outage affecting multiple regions.
Thousands of users reported problems with the site to Downdetector, a website that tracks service disruptions. The site said around 10,000 people had reported experiencing the outage, starting at around 5 a.m. ET.
The latest outage to affect the popular platform comes just days after Chief Executive
announced another round of jobs cuts over the weekend.
The company’s performance has been under particular scrutiny since Mr. Musk completed his takeover of the company at the end of October. He subsequently slashed the company’s workforce, prompting some former employees and outside observers to question whether the cuts would impede Twitter’s operations. A week after Mr. Musk completed the takeover, roughly 50% of the staff was laid off in the first round of layoffs.
Twitter didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.
Early Wednesday, in place of the usual timeline, users in the U.S. and other countries saw a “Welcome to Twitter!” message when logging in.
The outage didn’t appear to affect the ability to send tweets, nor outside tools such as TweetDeck. But users in multiple countries, including the U.S., U.K., Germany and France reported via Twitter itself that there were problems with their main timelines on the Twitter website and apps weren’t receiving new tweets.
#TwitterDown was quickly trending on the platform, with users asking what the issue was and when it might be fixed. The issues appeared largely to be resolved about an hour later.
The platform has experienced occasional outages in the past due to technical glitches, including one in December.
Write to Gareth Vipers at gareth.vipers@wsj.com
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