Green Bay gives Aaron Rodgers permission to talk to NY Jets


Aaron Rodgers reportedly met with the Jets since emerging from his darkness retreat
Photo: Morry Gash (AP)

Once again, Aaron Rodgers has the football world in his clutches surrounding this saga of whether he’ll play in 2023 or take his ball and go home. New York City media is frothing at the mouth just thinking of having Rodgers for even one year with the Jets, and if you believe the latest reports, they could get their wish. Conversations between Rodgers and the Jets are ongoing, but apparently, there is no deal in place.

This is another case of Rodgers stringing everyone along until he ultimately decides he’s staying put. While all the courting between A-Rod and the Jets sounds sweet, Rodgers isn’t really built to deal with New York media 24/7. Of course, he’d only be playing there a year or two, but Rodgers is used to saying and doing whatever he wants in Green Bay. NYC media will push back against his shenanigans and outright insanity.

Rodgers pulled a fast one on everyone after his “darkness retreat,” which was probably just his way of telling the world he has HUAS — Head Up Ass Syndrome. We know as much as we did before Rodgers submerged himself in the darkness. Meanwhile, the Packers are sitting around waiting for Aaron’s next move.

Aaron Rodgers still hasn’t told Green Bay his plans

Odds are Green Bay still won’t have a definitive answer by week’s end. Rodgers is leading them astray like Brett Favre did his last couple of offseasons as a Packer. Green Bay finally had enough in 2008 and handed the keys to Rodgers.

“It’s best for anybody who has an interest in this to make a decision sooner rather than later,” Rodgers said via Tyler Dunne. “I remember before [Brett] Favre retired, there were times in April and May, we weren’t sure if he was going to come back because he didn’t come to any of the offseason program. Then in 2008, he actually did retire in March and then said, ‘No, no, no,’ in June after OTAs, I actually want to come back and play. That’s when he was traded to the Jets. There was obviously a lot of tension that summer. For everybody involved directly and indirectly, it’s best for a decision earlier.”

The four-time league MVP says the right thing (sometimes), but his actions haven’t aligned with that same line of thinking for a while now. Of course, a decision would be better sooner than later. Teams need to make plans moving forward for the next season. Waiting around for a head case to decide isn’t ideal for anyone. But the Jets, being the desperate franchise they are, will wait for Rodgers, no matter how long it takes.

At least the Jets and Rodgers are talking, though. That’s a good start, but there likely won’t be any conclusion to this soap opera for another week, if not longer. A-Rod likes attention, similar to another guy by the same nickname in another sport. Their narcissism knows no bounds. If all goes well, for the sake of the Jets and Packers, we’ll have more answers than questions soon. But knowing Rodgers and how his mind works, we’ll likely still be left in the dark. 


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