Debate continues over the future of the Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall in Sarasota


SARASOTA, Fla. (WWSB) – It’s a building that’s iconic on the outside and the inside. The 1741-seat Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall in Sarasota has been around for more than 50 years.

“Anytime you bring somebody to town and you show them the Bayfront, they always say what is that purple building,” said Jen Ahearn-Koch, a Sarasota City Commissioner. “It is our iconic piece of architecture and really an integral part of our performing arts here in Sarasota.”

There’s talk about building a new $275 million state of the art facility. The City has had 43 world renowned architects submit their applications. 18 of those architects have been chosen to submit proposals. The next step is to narrow it down to four to six finalists.

“To have a new performing arts center right there on the water would be amazing for the city,” said Kyle Battie, Mayor of the City of Sarasota. “It would be amazing for the region to attract high level acts.”

The discussion has a lot of people talking on both sides of the debate. Some people say they understand the importance of the Van Wezel, but they say it may be time for something new.

“I would be in favor of tearing it down myself, having been in there a number of times, I don’t really care for the seating,” said Thomas Bonasera, a visitor to the Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall.

Options that will be looked at include a new performing arts center, an upgrade to the current hall, or having bot. this scenario would allow the Van Wezel to become an all purpose building.

“Make sure we understand the facts and the options that we have,” said Ahearn-Koch. “What they all look like, have them in front of us and try to make the best community decision that we can.”

There will be several meetings in the coming months where the public will be able to have their voices heard. A final recommendation could go in front of city commissioners in April 2023.


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