Roblox Shares Rise as More Users Log On


Roblox Corp.

RBLX 11.77%

reported a reacceleration in daily active users for December after a lull in growth last year, sending shares higher.

Roblox, which operates a metaverse-like realm, or a virtual place where people play and make transactions, benefited from a growth spurt earlier in the pandemic as children turned to the platform to socialize as schools were closed. Like other tech companies that got a boost from pandemic trends, Roblox’s fortunes reversed last year as the effects of the pandemic faded. 

Roblox shares, which are down about 53% over the past 12 months, rose almost 12% by the close of Tuesday trading after the company posted its December metrics. The company also said it would stop reporting its monthly figures this spring as it shifts to a longer-term focus on the business. 

The company said its number of daily active users rose 18% from a year earlier to 61.5 million in December. For the prior month, daily active users came to 56.7 million, which marked year-over-year growth of 15%.

Hours engaged for December were 4.7 billion, up 21% from a year earlier. For November, that figure was 3.9 billion, marking year-over-year growth of 10%. 

Estimated revenue for December was between $189 million and $199 million, a drop of 1% to 6% from a year earlier as the stronger U.S. dollar held back revenue by about 1%. Estimated bookings for the month were between $430 million and $439 million, up 17% to 20% from a year earlier.

The numbers indicate both strong user growth and improved engagement, Truist analysts Matthew Thornton and Stephen Farkhouh said. They noted that investors might have been relieved by the December numbers after disappointing reports for November and the third quarter. 

The company also said it would stop providing monthly updates after the release of its March 2023 update in April. Since the company went public in 2021, Roblox has released monthly figures that include estimated revenue, daily active users and hours of engagement.

“While we think that has provided incremental information to investors regarding the seasonality of the business, we have decided to cease providing monthly metrics to align our reporting cadence with our value of taking the long view,” Roblox said.

Write to Will Feuer at

A tech industry battle is taking shape over the metaverse. WSJ’s Meghan Bobrowsky explains the concept and why tech companies like Facebook, Roblox and Epic Games are investing billions to develop this digital space. Photo: Storyblocks

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Appeared in the January 18, 2023, print edition.


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